“Saksikanlah kamu bahawa sesungguhnya kami adalah orang-orang yang berserah diri (pada Allah)”

[Ali 'Imran (3) : 64]

Sunday, May 9, 2010

we've been stalked! OMG~

okay.. it was another gloomy day in warsaw.. we are on our way to scapula aurea test.. At Centralny ( subway), we met this guy.. around 30 I guess.. He started to attract us by saying shahadah.. Yes, shahadah...

I took a look at him.. he is polish.. Then, he continued talking to us,

"Come to party with me.. You are beautiful.. I love you.."

okay, that was scary as it didn't matches the shahadah he said before.. We then stigmatized him as "psycho".. we walked as fast as we can to Anatomy building.. but he followed us and said,

"you don't need to wait for paradise in afterlife.. I can give you paradise here, on earth"..

Okay..that was again, scary.. (p/s: I want paradise offered by ALLAH.. not yours.. na'ah).. but then kami berjaya sampai Anatomicum.. Terus cerita kat kawan2 pasal that psycho guy..
Then, out of nowhere.. he was there! in Anatomicum.. jalan2 and stare at every single girl~

"dlaczego on jest tutai?" Obviously, we've been followed!

Okay, this is MAJOR scary~ Kami abaikan dia dan menjawab soalan test selama 2 jam.. sesudah itu, kami keluar and sambung study for pin test.. then, I noticed that psycho guy again.. he thought that if he changed his cloth.. we can't recognize him? banyak cantik~

Okay, this is SUPER DUPER MAJOR scary.. it means he has waited for TWO hours for us.. plus, we saw him buying coffee and biscuits and seems to lepak lama.. we all started to think of ways to get rid of him.. Tak putus-putus doa agar ALLAH melindungi kami sebab ALLAH ialah sebaik-baik pelindung.. Kat siapa lagi kita nak minta perlindungan?

then, luckily.. our friend asked him to get out from anatomicum.. It was quit chaos at that time as all nasty words came out from that psycho guy mouth.. the ochrona (security guard) ask him to leave.. thanks ochrona! Lubimy ochrona~

I came back home, feeling so stressed out from what had happened.. Open Quran with bismillah and found these ayat:

Bahkan Dialah (Allah) yang kamu seru lalu Dia hapuskan bahaya yang kamu pohonkan kepadaNya jika Dia kehendaki dan kamu lupakan apa yang kamu sekutukan (dengan Allah dalam masa kamu ditimpa bahaya itu). (41) Dan demi sesungguhnya Kami telah utuskan Rasul-rasul kepada umat-umat yang dahulu daripadamu (lalu mereka mendustakannya), maka Kami seksakan mereka dengan kebuluran dan penyakit, supaya mereka berdoa (kepada Kami) dengan merendah diri (serta insaf dan bertaubat). (42)

hrm.. jika ALLAH kehendaki, dia boleh hapuskan bahaya dari kita.. kita kenalah berdoa the rasa rendah diri dan rendah hati.. siapalah kita ni? Semuanya kita harus bergantung kepada Yang Maha Kuasa~

that's all for " we've been stalked!".. what a drama


  1. oh stalker! kena ada pelindung ni. cukuplah Allah sebagai Pelindung. hehe.

    (ke dah kena k****n ni? =p)

  2. ouh betul jugak shida. nak kene k****n dah ni. hmm....

  3. kalu kahwin kan.. kire cam pelindungan dr ALLAH jg la kan..
